Fliprid: Day 4

Day 4: Video Discussion

1. Watch the video The SAMR Model.
2. Read the Readings.

3. Respond to the video prompt.

Refer to the Video Discussion Rubric for Guidelines.

Day 1: March 11
Day 2: March 12
Day 3: March 13
Day 4: March 14
Day 5-7: March 15-17th 


  1. Great Video and I came across some great ideas. The SAMR model is the framework that helps a teacher see how her teaching is going and a way of feedback. This model helps teachers integrate technology into their daily classwork like writing papers , receiving feedback and much much more. The different levels of the model helps teachers design digital learning activities for students and I like that it's based on the teacher requirements and not the technology like time limits and such. SW

    1. Having a model like this as a frame can help you when making a decision whether or not to use a certain type of technology in the classroom. Sometimes you may see something at a conference or read about it and want to try it, just for the sake of trying it. But it may not be a good fit for your lesson, or your purpose. Having a framework like this can help you to grapple with just how useful the tech really is, and how it can actually help your students.

  2. I like how they asked the question "If we have today's technology, why teach like we did 20 years ago?". This is an important point that I think has only recently been stressed in Education. Although there have been monumental leaps in terms of technology and how we use it on a daily basis, there has been a delay in properly utilizing this resource in the appropriate ways when it comes to teaching and learning. CC

  3. I enjoyed this video because I am not a very tech-savvy person. Most of the time I find it hard to integrate technology into my lessons and this showed me several ways to integrate technology into my lessons and which ones work the best way, that way I do not get lost in all of my options. At the end of the day its all about "Maximizing student success" and SAMR helps you do that.
